Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Best Insiprational Quotes About Life -- Most Famous

 Best 10 Inspirational, Motivational and Encouraging Quotes:

1) "Every evening, write down the six most important things that You must do the next day. Then while You sleep Your subconscious will work on the best ways for You to accomplish them. Your next day will go much more smoothly."
- Tom Hopkins

2) "People are always blaming circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who
get up and look for the circumstances they want and if they can't find them, make them."
- George Bernard Shaw

3) "He who has never failed somewhere, that man cannot be great."
- Herman Melville

4) "Hold a picture of Your self long and steadily enough in Your mind's eye,
and You will be drawn toward it. If You do not conquer self, You will be conquered by self. The ladder of success is never crowded at the top."
- Napoleon Hill

5) "Well done is better than well said."
- Benjamin Franklin

6) "Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win."
- Bernadette Devlin

7) "If You envy successful people, You create a negative force field of attraction that repels You from ever doing the things that You need to do to be
successful. If You admire successful people, You create a positive force field of attraction that draws You toward becoming more and more like the kinds of people that You want to be like."
- Brian Tracy

8) "Desire is what differ between ordinary and outstanding people."
- Author Unknown

9) "Losers visualize the penalties of failure.
Winners visualize the rewards of success."
- Rob Gilbert

10) "Picture Your self vividly as winning and that alone will contribute immeasurably to success."
- Harry Fosdick

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