Wednesday, November 23, 2011

10 Quotes about Life

"Effective people are not problem-minded; they're opportunity-minded. They
feed opportunities and starve problems."
- Stephen Covey

"Know Your self to overcome any obstacles and problems."
- Billi PS. Lim

"Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs
the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who
recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."
- Joseph Sugarman

"Spirit is the most valuable asset, more than money and any other power."
- Zig Ziglar

"I studied the lives of great men and women, and I found that the men and
women who got to the top were those who did the jobs they had in hand, with
everything they had of energy and enthusiasm and hard work."
- Harry S. Truman

"Those who climb up the ladder, must be started on the first step."
- Walter Scott

"To guarantee success, act as if it were already here with You."
- Lemy Yusento

"Flaming enthusiasm, backed by horse-sense and persistence,
is the quality that most frequently makes for success."
- Dale Carnegie

"We know who We are, but We don't know how potential exist in ourselves."
- William Shakespeare

"Henry Ford could get anything out of men because He just talked
and would tell them stories. He'd never say, 'I want this done!'
He'd say, 'I wonder if We can do it.'”
- George Brown


Quotes About Life - another 10

Quotes About Life - another 10:
"If You had decided Your goals, move on with Your life, do whatever You should
do, feel happy about Your goal, and You will definitely achieve it"
- Lemy Yusento

"Imagination is one of special rights had by every human kind."
- Author Unknown

“Life is the first gift, Love is the second gift, and Understanding is the third gift.”
- Marge Piercy

"We do our best that We know how at the moment,
and if it doesn't turn out, We modify it."
- Franklin Delano Roosevelt

"Experiences are the best guru."
- Author Unknown

"Enthusiasm is the steam that drives the engine."
- Napoleon Hill

"The winners in life think constantly in terms of I can, I will, and I am. Losers, on
the other hand, concentrate their waking thoughts on what they should have or
would have done, or what they can't do."
- Dennis Waitley

"There are two ways to happiness. We should decrease our needs,
or increase our income/wealth."
- Benjamin Franklin

"Empty pockets never held anyone back.
Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that."
- Norman Vincent Peale

"One man with courage is a majority."
- Andrew Jackson

10 Quotes about Life and Success

1) "There is a miracle somehow when You believe.
Remember, just when You believe in it."
- Author Unknown

2) "Doubt what You should doubt about, but don't You ever doubt Your own self."
- Christian Bovee

3) “The person who sends out positive thoughts activates the world around him
positively and draws back to himself positive results.”
- Norman Vincent Peale

4) "First, say to Your self what You would be, then do what You have to do."
- Epictetus

5) “We choose our joys and sorrows long before We experience them.”
- Kahlil Gibran

6) "What You can do, or dream You can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it."
- Goethe

7) "Man is what He believes."
- Anton Chekhov

8) "Who told You it couldn't be done? And what great achievement does He have
to his credit that entitles him to use the word 'impossible' so freely?"
- Napoleon Hill

9) "In order to succeed You must fail so that
You know what not to do the next time."
- Anthony J. D'Angelo

10) "To do something, start at the right time."
- John F. Kennedy

10 Motivational Quotes -- Best Wisdom

Top Inspirational and Motivational Quotations

1) "The thing always happens that You really believe in and the belief in a thing makes it happen."
- Frank Lloyd Wright

2) "We are made to persist. That's how We find out who We are."
- Tobias Wolff

3) "The most main failure of someone is arrogance."
- Author Unknown

4) "A man can succeed at almost anything for which
He has unlimited enthusiasm."
- Charles Schwab

5) "Happiness is someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for."
- Chinese Proverb

6) "Human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind."
- William James

7) "Man is a goal-seeking animal. His life only has meaning if He is reaching out and striving for his goals."
- Aristotle
8) "The successful person places more attention on doing the right thing
rather than doing things right."
- Peter Drucker

9) "A leader has the vision and conviction that a dream can be achieved. He
inspired the power and energy to get it done."
- Ralph Lauren

10) "Success is living up to Your potential. That's all. Wake up with a smile and go after life ... live it, enjoy it, taste it, smell it, feel it."
- Joe Knapp

Best Insiprational Quotes About Life -- Most Famous

 Best 10 Inspirational, Motivational and Encouraging Quotes:

1) "Every evening, write down the six most important things that You must do the next day. Then while You sleep Your subconscious will work on the best ways for You to accomplish them. Your next day will go much more smoothly."
- Tom Hopkins

2) "People are always blaming circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who
get up and look for the circumstances they want and if they can't find them, make them."
- George Bernard Shaw

3) "He who has never failed somewhere, that man cannot be great."
- Herman Melville

4) "Hold a picture of Your self long and steadily enough in Your mind's eye,
and You will be drawn toward it. If You do not conquer self, You will be conquered by self. The ladder of success is never crowded at the top."
- Napoleon Hill

5) "Well done is better than well said."
- Benjamin Franklin

6) "Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win."
- Bernadette Devlin

7) "If You envy successful people, You create a negative force field of attraction that repels You from ever doing the things that You need to do to be
successful. If You admire successful people, You create a positive force field of attraction that draws You toward becoming more and more like the kinds of people that You want to be like."
- Brian Tracy

8) "Desire is what differ between ordinary and outstanding people."
- Author Unknown

9) "Losers visualize the penalties of failure.
Winners visualize the rewards of success."
- Rob Gilbert

10) "Picture Your self vividly as winning and that alone will contribute immeasurably to success."
- Harry Fosdick