Friday, December 2, 2011

Inspirational Quotes About Life Dec-3

 Inspirational Quotes about Life Dec-3rd

"You say I started out with practically nothing, but that isn't correct. We all start
with all there is. It's how We use it that makes things possible."
- Henry Ford

"The more You love Your work, the more success follow You."
- Jerry Gillies

"I don't have to be what nobody else wants me to be and
I am not afraid to be what I want to be."
- Muhammad Ali

"Don't do something to impress, do it to express."
- Unkonwn
"Success is measured in terms of reaching Your goals, dreams, and
expectations. Your success is determined by hard work,
persistence, and determination. If You are going to be success in life,
it is up to You... it is Your responsibility."
- Will Horton

"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream."
- Les Brown

"What separates those who achieve from those who do not is in direct
proportion to one's ability to ask for help."
- Donald Keough

"You only have to do a very few things right in Your life so long as
You don't do too many things wrong."
- Warren Buffett

"If You don't believe in a big day, You only try to vanish that big day."
- Zig Ziglar

"Success is a journey, not a destination."
- Ben Sweetland

"As long as You are going to be thinking anyway, think big."
- Donald Trump

"Why do You think regular life? Don't You think that nothing stops You from
using Your mind for everything? Yes. Why don't You use Your mind to think as
big as You can? Afraid to fall down? You will fall if You think You will. Think the
opposite way. I will make it!
- Unknown

"No man is ever whipped until He quits - in his own mind."
- Napoleon Hill

"Success is 20% skills and 80% mindset. You might know how to read,
but more importantly, what's Your achievement to read?"
- Unknown

"Be who You are and say what You feel, because those who mind don't matter
and those who matter don't mind."
- Dr. Suess

"It is very difficult when We have to do something and
so easy when We want something."
- Sondra Anice Barnes

"Thoughts and ideas are the source of all wealth, success, material gain, all
great discoveries, inventions and achievement."
- Mark Victor Hansen

"People with goals succeed because they know where they're going."
- Earl Nightingale
"If You go to work on Your goals, Your goals will go to work on You.
If You go to work on Your plan, Your plan will go to work on You.
Whatever good things We build end up building us."
- Jim Rohn

"You must think big to become big."
- Claude M. Bristol

"If You can imagine it, You can create it.
If You can dream it, You can become it."
- William Arthur Ward